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Roger Copeland, PE

Power & Utilities Practice Lead

Roger is a trusted advisor for large energy consumers, specializing in district heating and cooling plants, distribution systems, power generation, and microgrid solutions. Applying more than 25 years of consulting engineering experience, Roger identifies infrastructure solutions best suited to achieve his clients’ operational performance goals, enhancing system-wide efficiency, resilience and sustainability.

Professional Highlights

  • Managed design and installation of Texas A&M University’s 45-Megawatt (MW) cogeneration plant, recognized with an ENERGY STAR Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Award
  • Spearheaded design and development of Clemson University’s self-healing smart grid, one of the most-advanced higher education microgrids
  • Led design, construction and startup for blackstart support at two Vistra Energy power plants, combined capacity of 1,960 MW

Roger has collaborated on the following projects

  • New Jersey Transit, $1-billion NJ TRANSITGRID, the largest and most complex advanced microgrid currently under development in North America
  • University of Florida, 50-MW Central Energy Plant
  • University of Texas at Austin, 34-MW Gas Turbine Power Plant
  • University of Minnesota, 22-MW Combined Heat and Power Plant