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T. Michael Hurst, RCDD, DCDC

Aviation Project Manager

Michael leads the delivery of high-performance technology systems. He is a trusted project operations leader, overseeing technology system design, configuration and integration for Class I airports and major airlines. Over a 25-year career, Michael has managed the installation of millions of miles of fiber-optic cable as well as construction of thousands of critical technology infrastructure systems. Specialties include the design of technology systems that achieve code compliance and integrate appropriately within the facility’s built environment. In the process, Michael delivers technology infrastructure that achieves reliability and performance goals within the client’s budget and schedule.

Professional Highlights

  • Coordinated assembly and testing of a fully functional IP-based nuclear reactor control annunciator system at Cooper Nuclear Station in Brownville, NE
  • Led design and installation of critical data centers, controls, and safety systems for Tenaris steel pipe manufacturing plant in Bay City, Texas
  • Served in the U.S. Navy as an aviation electronics specialist

Michael has collaborated on the following projects

  • Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Terminal C rebuild and expansion
  • San Diego International Airport, Terminal 2 expansion and enhancement program
  • George Bush Intercontinental Airport, United Airlines renovations

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