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Washington Metro Area Transit Authority (WMATA), Fiber Optic Infrastructure

Burns is supporting installation of a secure and resilient broadband fiber-optic network, providing enhanced, seamless coverage throughout the Metrorail underground tunnel network.

The $165-million, four-year project involves installing a 700 MHz interoperable, public safety-grade digital voice radio network. The fiber-optic system overhaul will improve performance of WMATA’s voice and data communication systems, boosting connection speeds and improving the safety, dependability and interoperability of Metrorail and Metrobus operations.

Supporting a C3M-Aldridge Electric Joint Venture, Burns is performing the following design services:

  • Plans for installation and termination of new WAN cabling, drop locations, and radio coverage equipment throughout Metrorail tunnels.
  • Associated inside and outside plant infrastructure, including duct banks, cable trenches, and flyovers.
  • Systems integration and test planning.

The is the latest in a series of systems-design projects Burns has performed at WMATA stations and along the Metrorail right-of-way. Additional projects include the Yellow Line steel liner and bridge rehabilitation.


Washington, DC


Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)

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