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Los Angeles World Airports, Midfield Satellite Concourse (MSC) North and South

While serving as the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) owner’s representative, Burns provided technology program management for the Tom Bradley International Terminal extensions.

Los Angeles International Airport is undergoing a multi-billion dollar modernization program. As part of those improvements, LAWA is extending Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) through a two-phased concourse expansion:

  • MSC North – a 750,000-square-foot concourse that connects passengers to TBIT through a 1,000-foot tunnel. MSC North adds 12 gates, aircraft parking aprons, taxiways, and utilities. The concourse opened in 2020.
  • MSC South – a 146,000-square-foot extension of the TBIT West Gates, adding eight gates for international narrowbody aircraft. Construction is scheduled to wrap up in late 2025.

MSC reduces LAWA’s reliance on remote gates, providing scheduling flexibility for airlines amid ongoing terminal improvements. MSC North and South feature state-of-the-art technology, ensuring an optimal passenger experience. MSC South is targeting a LEED® Silver certification.

Technology features include the installation of more than 33 new communication rooms and 3,500 network ports, access control, CCTV, common use passenger processing, distributed antenna system, Wi-Fi, telecommunications, and paging systems. Unique elements include automated boarding gates, interactive video displays, and a video wall installation in the passenger tunnel.

Burns served as subject matter experts and IT element manager. Burns participated in the development of design guidelines and oversaw technology system designs and installation.

To limit airfield disruption and maximize use of available real estate, LAWA utilized an innovative method known as Offsite Construction and Relocation (OCR), building MSC South in nine segments and transporting the segments roughly a mile and a half from where they were initially assembled. In October 2024, the segments were delivered to the concourse’s final location.

Honors include receiving the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Prix Versailles World Architecture and Design Award, Design-Build Institute of America National Merit Award, and Structural Engineers Association of Southern California Award of Merit.

Learn more about Burns' technology solutions

Technology Systems

Key Team Members

David Kipp, PE

Vice President of Technology Services

Ian Birnbaum

Aviation Project Manager

Edwin Roa, PMP

Aviation Project Manager