As a key subconsultant, Burns’ provided facilities planning, structural engineering and design and construction support services for the 10-year, $5 billion expansion and improvement program to upgrade the existing 310 MGD plant to an ultimate capacity of 700 MGD. Facility improvements include:
Burns role included:
Major components of Burns’ structural design were the disinfection facilities, support building, grit/aeration/sedimentation tanks, screening and residuals building, sludge loading dock, underground influent and effluent conduits, nature walk and construction management building.
The full upgrade, bringing the plant into compliance with the Water Pollution Control Act Amendment of 1972 was completed in 2014.
Brooklyn, NY
New York City, Department of Environmental Protection
Philadelphia Water Department, General Engineering Contract
Highland Park Resilient Microgrid Development
Philadelphia Water Department, Northeast Water Pollution Control Plant
New York City Department of Sanitation, Manhattan 1/2/5 Garage and Spring Street Salt Shed
Port of Philadelphia (PhilaPort), Packer Avenue Marine Terminal Phase II Port Development Improvements
Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW), Microturbine Generator & Heat Recovery System at PGW Headquarters
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) Electric Vehicle (EV) Fleet Charging Infrastructure