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Guide to Planning Hospital Resilience

Hospitals must prepare for an increasingly uncertain future. Extreme weather events, utility outages, and supply chain disruptions are occurring with greater frequency and intensity.

An All-Aboard Success Story: Celebrating Positive Train Control

Amtrak train at platform

Over the past two decades, positive train control (PTC) technology has evolved from one of the National Transportation Safety Board’s “most-wanted” safety initiatives to standardized operating procedure along the busiest train routes in the country.

Carbon Neutrality Initiatives on the Rise

energy and carbon reduction

Growing numbers of cities and states across the U.S. are setting aggressive standards to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to address the mounting threat of climate change.

Airport Culture Changes Advance Security

people at the airport

Airports are recognizing that their cultures play a large role in keeping travelers, staff and facilities safe. Explore more on collaboration and Security Management Systems (SeMS).