PhilaPort plans to convert the terminal’s two ship-to-shore gantry cranes to run 100-percent on electric power. The project will improve air quality for surrounding neighborhoods and reduce the terminal’s operating costs. Tioga Marine Terminal is Philadelphia’s largest multi-purpose cargo handling facility.
Supporting Carr and Duff, Burns’ services include:
Burns is proud to support PhilaPort advance goals of expanding, modernizing and electrifying the Philadelphia region’s port facilities. Previous projects include upgrades to the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal.
Philadelphia, PA
Port of Philadelphia (PhilaPort)
Philadelphia Water Department, Northeast Water Pollution Control Plant
Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW), Microturbine Generator & Heat Recovery System at PGW Headquarters
Port of Philadelphia (PhilaPort), Packer Avenue Marine Terminal Phase II Port Development Improvements
New York City Department of Sanitation, Manhattan 1/2/5 Garage and Spring Street Salt Shed
New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Facilities Planning and Upgrade of Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Plant
Philadelphia Water Department, General Engineering Contract
Highland Park Resilient Microgrid Development